Tips To Avoid Back Pain From Raking Leaves
Autumn paints the landscape in enough brilliant hues to make “leaf peeping” an annual event. But that visual delight can become a physical pain when those leaves hit the ground and fall cleanup begins.
Safe exercises for a herniated disk
Gentle exercises, stretches, and activities can all help relieve the pain of a herniated disk. Neck, back, and hamstring stretches may improve flexibility and prevent a herniated disk from recurring.
You've Suffered Whiplash: Know the Symptoms & Treatments
If you find yourself grappling with the relentless effects of whiplash, you're not alone. Numerous legal websites estimate that at least 3 million Americans per year sustain whiplash injuries.
Access to patient questionnaire improves spine MRI diagnosis, finds study
Knowing a patient's symptoms helps radiologists in lumbar spine MRI interpretation and diagnosis, according to a study published in Radiology.
Research supports run–walk interval training as a way to reduce chronic low back pain
A study conducted at Monash University, Australia, has demonstrated that a progressive run–walk interval training program, delivered digitally and supported remotely, is not only effective in reducing pain and disability in adults with chronic low back pain (LBP) but is also safe and acceptable for participants.